Taiwan- Sex offender counseling center plan underway- February 6, 2011


he Executive Yuan has mapped out the location for the first post-prison counseling center for sex offenders with a high risk of repeat offense: next to the Taichung Prison, with the building construction projected to be completed by 2013.

Criminal law mandates that high risk sex offenders seek counseling and medical treatment immediately following their release. In a few years, high risk sex offenders will receive compulsory medical treatment at the special facility, which can house up to 100 people.

According to Taiwan's criminal law, sex offenders should receive medical treatment after serving their prison terms if, based on the Taiwan Sex Offender Static Risk Assessment Scale (TSOSRAS), there is a high risk that they will commit repeat offenses.

The individual risk of recidivism will need to be re-assessed annually and the offender will be permitted to return to society only after certification that the risk has dropped.

Currently, three former inmates are receiving such treatment in a segregated area at Pei Teh Hospital, which is affiliated to Taichung Prison.

The project, under the Justice Ministry's Agency of Corrections, has been delayed as plans to build a new facility at two other locations in central Taiwan had to be abandoned because of opposition from local communities.

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